Geologic wonders

Spring waterfall season: 3 raging rivers to watch
April 29, 2014 by Andrew Slade

Spring waterfall season: 3 raging rivers to watch

Our winter snow is finally melting and water is plunging down the fabulous streams of the North Shore. Quiet and pretty summertime waterfalls are now muddy, raging torrents. It’s a great time to explore! … read more

Flood Bay: An appreciation
August 12, 2010 by Andrew Slade

Flood Bay: An appreciation

So you've made it through the stop-and-start traffic maze of Duluth and up the expressway to Two Harbors. Maybe you stopped for some smoked fish at Lou's or a Culvercinno at Culvers. Now, get your first real taste of the North Shore. Just 1.5 miles past the last Two Harbors stoplight, turn right at Flood Bay State Wayside. There's a nice gravelly beach that reaches back toward Superior Shores resort, and you can walk the whole way. If you brought a sea kayak, you can launch it here. If you like agates, you can find them here by the dozens: they are … read more