It’s one of the North Shore’s best viewpoints. It’s just a short hike in along good trails. And chances are, you’ve never been there. But you’ll definitely want to hike to the top.
Right in the heart of Split Rock Lighthouse State Park is Day Hill, named after the Duluthian Frank Day. It’s a classic anorthosite knob, like Carlton Peak and Mount Trudee. The top is almost 250 feet above Lake Superior, so you’re looking down on the entire park shoreline, including Split Rock Lighthouse, which looks tiny but dramatic about a mile away.
Day Hill is famous for its lone fireplace. Who built this stone masterpiece atop the tall hill? Was it Frank Day, trying to woo his bride? A good historical mystery to be teased out, for sure.
To reach Day Hill, start at the park’s trail center parking area. For this you will need to have a state park vehicle permit. From the trail center, follow the Hiking Club Trail signs along the beach of Little Two Harbors, through the cart-in campground, and up to the junction with the paved Gitchi Gami bike trail. From that junction, a signed spur trail leads up Day Hill.
The trail is typically dry and good for hiking.
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